Drought news: ‘The monsoons have taken the edge off the drought in Western Colorado’ — Nolan Doesken

Coyote Gulch


FromThe Pueblo Chieftain (Chris Woodka):

“The monsoons have taken the edge off the drought in Western Colorado. . . . The Eastern Plains have been baking,” said Nolan Doesken, state climatologist, during a workshop on drought and its impacts Wednesday at the Colorado Water Congress summer convention. Statewide impacts have been severe. Plants have been stressed, requiring more water when less is available. Higher water temperatures and debris flows from burn areas are killing fish. Farmers are losing crops. Cities have increased water-treatment challenges because of fire damage in watersheds.

Monsoon rains in the mountains have provided more water, but the water supply is far behind average in every basin in the state, even those that received record precipitation last year, Doesken said. “We usually don’t look at July as the month that’s going to save our water, but it has helped,” Doesken said…

The state is on the…

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