Birding in Belize


Our first trip to the tropics (south of Florida) was with 17 of Phil’s high school students and 3 other chaperones in 1997. And what an adventure it was. The trip was sponsored by Save the Rain Forest, a conservation organization based in Arizona, who work with rain forest conservation groups in several other countries in the tropics. The purpose is education – rain forest and coral reef ecology, conservation efforts, and sustainable living by the local, and in many cases indigenous, people.

From my stamp collecting days, I knew that Belize was a small country at the south end of the Yucatan Peninsula, that it had formerly been part of the United Kingdom and had been called British Honduras. I knew they spoke English (and also several native languages), were happy to accept US dollars, the only medical prep we would need was malaria pills, and the country was…

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South Africa mine clash kills at least 30

South Africa mine clash kills at least 30

South African police officers killed more than 30 miners who charged them at a Lonmin PLC platinum mine, authorities said Friday, as a national newspaper warned that a time bomb ticking over poor South Africans has exploded.

Thursday’s shootings are one of the worst in South Africa since the end of the apartheid era, and came as a rift deepens between the country’s governing African National Congress and an impoverished electorate confronting massive unemployment and growing poverty and inequality.

They “awaken us to the reality of the time bomb that has stopped ticking — it has exploded,” The Sowetan newspaper said in an editorial. “Africans are pitted against each other … fighting for a bigger slice of the mineral wealth of the country. In the end the war claims the very poor African — again.”

Police ministry spokesman Zweli Mnisi told The Associated Press on Friday that more than 30 people were killed on Thursday in the police volleys of gunfire during the strike, now a week old. The Star, a Johannesburg newspaper, said another 86 people were wounded.

India going to mars

India going to mars

India plans to send a space mission to Mars next year in a giant leap forward for science and technology in the country, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said Wednesday.

Singh said the unmanned spacecraft will enter orbit around the planet and collect scientific information.

India has approved a mission to Mars that will collect important scientific information about the red planet. This 2010 photo shows the launch of the country's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle from the Sriharikota spaceport near Chennai.India has approved a mission to Mars that will collect important scientific information about the red planet. This 2010 photo shows the launch of the country’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle from the Sriharikota spaceport near Chennai. (Indian Space Research Organization/Associated Press)

He announced the mission during a speech marking the 65th anniversary of India’s independence from British rule.

“This spaceship to Mars will be a huge step for us in the area of science and technology,” he said.

The 4.5 billion rupee ($80.1 million Cdn) mission is likely to be launched in November 2013 with a rocket developed by the Indian Space Research Organization.

India has had an active space program since the 1960s. Since the mid-1970s, it has launched scores of satellites for itself and for nearly two dozen other countries. India sent a spacecraft into orbit around the moon in 2008.

Last week, the U.S. space agency NASA successfully landed a rover named Curiosity on Mars and has begun a host of scientific studies of the planet.

Hoh rainforest in Olympic National Park U.S.


In the U.S., on the western Olympic National Park (Washington State), is a temperate forest not far behind in terms of abundance of rainfall and green download forms own fantasy landscape. It is estimated that each year the number about 4,000 mm rainfall in a leafy area is the wettest area of the continental United States. Unlike other temperate forests prevail in this zone conifers, which adds moisture to put your magic ingredient to convert the forest into a unique visual spectacle. .

Mainly in the Hoh River area, is the Hoh rainforest or forest, a valley formed thousands of years ago by glaciers where the density of vegetation present, and especially the proliferation of plants attached to large trees, mosses, lichens and fungi that grow anywhere, make the forest a breathtaking panorama.

In the forest or jungle Hoh, can grow large trees, including specimens (Tsuga heterophylla) often reaching 90…

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